After a few months of development and testing, we are happy to announce our second report pack for the Sherlock® Inspector Suite. This new set of content, being called Report Pack 2, contains six reports. The primary focus of these reports is on easing schedule management for SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise customers. I’ve provided the full list of reports below with some screenshots so that you can get an idea of what’s included.

If you are an existing Sherlock® customer and are interested in downloading the Report Pack, head on over to our downloads area to grab the BIAR file for your platform.

ERF 200, ERF 201, and a new ERF 202 report

Our Enterprise Report Finder allows you to discover duplicate reports in your SAP BusinessObjects deployment. We previously had both the ERF 200 and ERF 201 reports available in the core Sherlock® installation. With Report Pack 2, we’ve updated both reports to include an openDocument link. This allows you to drill from the high-level view of how many reports match a report, to the specific reports that match it, and then down to a view of how exactly two reports match each other. This is accomplished via the drill from ERF 200 to ERF 201 and then, finally, to ERF 202 – Report to Report Duplication.







Schedule Durations, Error Rates, and Planning

We’ve added three new reports focused on helping you with managing your SAP BusinessObjects scheduled jobs.

SCI008 – Schedule Duration Monitor allows you to quick track the growth or decline in the number of failures for your scheduled jobs and the length of time that all of your jobs take to run. This information is provide in a month over month view. In addition, it specifically calls out all scheduled jobs that take longer than 30 minutes to run.


SCI008 – Schedule Duration Monitor


SCI008 – Schedule Duration Monitor

SCI009 – Schedule Planning also allows you to track the duration of your schedules; however, the focus of this report is to help you plan your scheduling windows and server capacity for scheduled jobs.  As such, it also shows you views of the number of schedules per day, per hour, and per hour:minute bracket. In addition, it also provides you with information on the capacity of your SAP BusinessObjects services so that you can plan your schedule windows all from one report.


SCI009 – Schedule Planning


SCI009 – Schedule Planning (daily schedules)


SCI009 – Schedule Planning (hourly schedules)


SCI009 – Schedule Planning (server capacity)

SCI015 – Adhoc versus Schedule Utilization allows you to see how much of your deployment is being used for ad hoc reporting versus scheduled reporting in a month over month view. This is useful for tracking how much of the environment should be dedicated to processing scheduled jobs versus ad hoc reporting and will tie in to the schedule planning report as you tracks schedule processing over time.


SCI015 – Adhoc versus Schedule Utilization

Out of Synch CUIDs

If you’ve spent time working on the lifecycle management of SAP BusinessObjects content from Development to QA and to Production, then you are aware that occasionally the unique identifiers for your content can become out of synch. In Report Pack 2, we’ve provided a report called SCI014 – Objects Out of Synch that will allow you to quickly see all of the reports, report folders, and universes that have the same name and location across two environments, but have a different CUID.


SCI014 – Objects Out of Synch (reports)


SCI014 – Objects Out of Synch (report folders)


SCI014 – Objects Out of Synch (universes)

Again, if you are interested in trying out Report Pack 2 and you’re an existing Sherlock® customer, then please head over to our downloads area. If you have any questions on the new content or have suggestions for new content that you would like to see in an upcoming report pack, let us know.

Thanks for reading.