Sherlock® KPI: Slackers versus Workaholics

When we released Sherlock® 2.3, there were a few interesting updates that came along with it. One of them was the ability to tell which of your users are slackers and which ones are crippling your system – no really. We released a new component with Sherlock®...

Tracking the Usefulness of Your BI Deployment

While attempting to install, deploy, administer, maintain, improve, and be the general master of your business intelligence deployment with SAP Business Objects Enterprise, it often becomes difficult to determine what metrics you should use for determining the...

Eliminating Runaway Content with Sherlock®

Upon getting access to a BI system that has some means of self-service, users can become a little excited at the prospects of getting access to information that has long been hidden behind the wall of IT. They can now create their own reports. They can pull down data,...